Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Giving Tree

You want to sell your home and you’re are very familiar with the fact that curb appeal and landscaping are an important factor in attracting potential buyers.  But did you know that trees, yes, trees can be a surprising factor in the value of your home.  The more tree cover a property has, the more increase in sale value is added to your property.  What that means is that by upgrading your existing landscaping by adding more trees, you will see a bigger return on investment and your home can increase in value.  Higher value can mean higher selling price and more money in your pocket after the sale of your home.  Now, I know what you are thinking, adding trees means more watering and higher water bills, not to mention the whole drought thing going on.  And yes, adding some trees to your property can have that adverse effect, but not all trees are alike, so you need to do a little homework. 

Before you go out and buy a truckload of trees and start planting, you need to get some critical information.  Go to a local nursery and get some expert advice.  You need to know what type of trees will work best for you and how to take of them.  You don’t want to plant a fruit bearing tree that will hang over your pool, or a redwood 2 feet from the side of the house.  Since trees are more permanent, you want to think about how they will grow and their upkeep.  Also, planting trees on the south and west sides of your home will provide more shade and keep the house cooler, thus saving energy and potentially money.  As for affecting water usage and the dreaded drought, find trees that are water-efficient and can live on less water than grass.  Drought friendly xeriscape gardens are all the rage and there are numerous trees in all different sizes that fit into such an environment and can bring great value to your home.  I guess the giving tree really is alive and well.

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