Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Leave the Gun, Take the Cannolis


      You have sold your home and have purchased a new one.  Only problem is your new home is much smaller than the one you just sold.  What are you going to do with all your stuff?  Deciding what you should take with you and what you need to get rid of when downsizing, is a very common problem these days.  We have taken years to accumulate all of our stuff, some of we keep for sentimental reasons, but some of it has us scratching our heads as we ponder why we have it in the first place.  But what about the other things?  The ones that are somewhere in the middle of near and dear to our hearts and “what were we thinking?”  

We have all heard the old adage of if you haven’t used something for a year, you should get rid of it.  We may have heard it, but do we really follow it.  When downsizing, this well-known saying really does apply.  If you haven’t used it, why add clutter to an already smaller place.   After that, really study the configuration of your new home.  Will your existing items fit?  Your old house may have been big enough for that oversized couch and love seat, but maybe your new home will only fit a small sofa and chair.   Are you going to store those items indefinitely, or maybe sell them to put towards the cost of some new furniture?  What about the ambiance or theme of the new home?  Your new place is ultra modern, but your bedroom set is old world, or vice versa.  By taking only those items that fit your new place in both size and feel, will make moving to a smaller place easy.  So, keep these tips in mind to make it easier to let go of the things that are no longer necessities and avoid cluttering up your new home, and downsizing will be a piece of cake, or a cannoli.   

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