Wednesday, February 17, 2016

It is Time to Move!

You Got the House
Most home buyers don’t realize how stressful it can be when purchasing a new home.  After relentlessly looking for a new home, you make the offer, but then, counter offers are often made by both sides. Your adrenaline is flowing, emotions are high, and after a sleepless night or two, you finally get the call from your Realtor - the last counter offer was accepted and you are in escrow!  The inspections are finished, the loan is approved, and now you think about, “How in the world am I going to move all this stuff?”  If you have been in your current house as long as I have, moving can be pretty SCARY

Get Picky with Packing
How are all those very important things that have accumulated over the years in the garage, the closets, the shed, and around the side yard going fit in the new house?  One rule you may want to use, and it can be emotionally painful, is if you haven’t used an item within the past two years, it doesn’t make it to the new house. You’ll be surprised at how many items haven’t been used within the past few years.  TIP: A simple way of getting rid of those unused items, and to make a little extra dough, is to have a moving sale! 

Label It or Lose It
For everything else that made the cut, make a list of what you have and determine where it will go in your new home.  While packing, write down the contents of each box on colored sticky notes and be sure to color coordinate by room. Also make sure to use tape to secure the notes on the side of each box so it doesn’t accidently come off during the move.  Once you’re in the new house, write the room name on the color coordinated sticky note and place it on the door of each room so each box makes it to the correct destination. Ask your helpers to make sure all the sticky notes are located on a visible side of each box when placed in a room.  This will really help when unpacking or trying to find something, like a plate or cup during the first evening in your new home.

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