Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New Year, New You, New Home (Sort Of)

The ball has dropped and New Year resolutions are in full swing.  We all make some sort of attempt at the beginning of the New Year to better ourselves, whether it is to lose weight, be kinder to others, or try harder at work.  What most resolutions are about is change.  We want to change our circumstances and our outlook on life.  One of the best ways to help jump-start this change is to adjust our surroundings.  Sure, if you have the means and opportunity, start fresh and buy a new home.  But for those of that either don’t want to move or can’t, there are ways that you can change your current surroundings to help kick start your new outlook on life. 

Just keep in mind that a little can go a long way.  Small changes here or there can make a big difference in the feel or ambiance of a space.  Adding a new style to an existing place can bring new life to a room.  If your existing furniture is traditional in style, throw in an updated modern piece to change things up or add an antique to a contemporary room.  Sure, it may be eclectic, but it may also inspire you to go even further.  You could also try a new color.  Traditionally, beige has been popular as the go to color in most homes, but a trend for the upcoming year is shades of gray.  Just like the book, it may be the spark you need to liven up your day.  Not ready to tackle a huge painting project, no problem.  Throw pillows, a rug, or accent pieces in a new color may be all you need to brighten up an old room.  Don’t have the money to spend to get new pieces isn’t an issue either.  Try rearranging your existing furniture to create a completely new feel to a room.  Angling a table this way or moving a couch that way, may make all the difference.  Making changes to your surroundings can also help motivate you to stick with all the other changes you want to make in your life.  So really it’s New Year, new home (or new surroundings), new you. 

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