Monday, September 8, 2014

Money Down the Drain

            With utility prices soaring and household expenses rising, the mighty dollar just does not stretch as far as it used to and I find myself endlessly trying to save as many of them as possible. Yes, I have been the one who follows everyone in the house making sure the lights are turned off and the refrigerator door is closed.  Yes, I have pounded that door telling my son that he has been in the shower long enough.  And sure, I can shop sales and clip coupons, but that only goes so far. What I really need to do is take stock of ways that I can conserve energy in my home in order to keep more of those dollars in my pocket. 

            These days, there are so many simple options for homeowners to save energy as well as money.   By insulating my water heater and lowering the temperature to 120 degrees, I could lower my water heating bills by 4 to 10 percent.  Installing a low-flow showerhead can reduce water consumption from the standard 8 gallons a minute to 1 to 2 gallons per minute as well as reduce the amount of energy used to heat the water.  Changing from incandescent bulbs to compact florescent lamps, as well as installing a programmable thermostat will also help to lower my energy bills. Washing laundry in cold water instead of hot, as well as only doing it when I have a full load can save me a bundle.  These are just a few of the many ways within my home, that I can easily save energy, water, and ultimately money. 

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